<<  October 18, 2008  >>

Spiritus is 192 proof Polish vodka. That's 96% alcohol. I'm not sure how much I had (or how I got home or why it hurts when I pee), but there were pictures on my camera when I woke up, so at least I have something to share. We went to Meguro to visit a friend of Brent's that he met during his brief stint teaching English. And by "visit", I mean "drunken karaoke". Here's proof for Adri that I sang Fiona Apple:

Other performances included 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies', 'Build Me Up Buttercup', and 'Semi-Charmed Life'. The last thing I remember was Brent and I serenading Ryan with Closer by Nine Inch Nails (don't go look up the lyrics, Mom):

After that, it was apparently nap time:

I think they pump hormones into the Tokyo water supply that cause people to involuntarily flash the peace sign whenever they have their picture taken:

<<  October 18, 2008  >>